Darryl Embury

“I was looking for a fast-paced, meritocratic environment where careers would be determined by potential and ability and not only by the number of years spent in an organisation.”

My Career

At the age of sixteen I fell in love with the food industry while working in a dairy plant as a summer student. I decided then and there to pursue a university education that would provide me with a career in food. In 1980, armed with a microbiology degree, I landed a job in the meat industry in Alberta. Here’s how my career evolved:

Current Position

Regional Director, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Programs, Manitoba and Saskatchewan Region


Acting National Director, Drug Analysis Service


Bachelor of Science, Master of Food Science

Number of Years in the Workforce


Number of Years at Health Canada


My Career

At the age of sixteen I fell in love with the food industry while working in a dairy plant as a summer student. I decided then and there to pursue a university education that would provide me with a career in food. In 1980, armed with a microbiology degree, I landed a job in the meat industry in Alberta. Here’s how my career evolved:

Current Position

Title :

Regional Director, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Programs, Manitoba and Saskatchewan Region

Currently :

Acting National Director, Drug Analysis Service

Education :

Bachelor of Science, Master of Food Science

Number of Years in the Workforce :


Number of Years at Health Canada :


My Experience at eSolutionsFirst

Since becoming the Regional Director of the Healthy Environment and Consumer Safety Branch at Health Canada, I have been very fortunate to have a large number of assignments in other roles. Some have been at my group and level, others higher, but all have been challenging and interesting. I am no longer a food regulator but I feel that I continue to have a vital role in protecting the health of Canadians. I don’t know if all my career moves are done.

Across the wide range of our programs we use a myriad of tools, techniques, processes and approaches to deliver on the protection, promotion, prevention and regulation of the public health for our fellow citizens. It is both an honour and a duty that I take very seriously. I consider public service to be more of a calling than an occupation, and I strongly recommend it. Working for Health Canada gives one a real, tangible opportunity to make a difference in the health and safety of Canadians every day.

I like variety and new challenges in my work, and I think that my career path shows that. I’ve rarely spent more than 5 years in any one role. Working at Health Canada as the Regional Director of the Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch continues to provide me with these new challenges.

1975 – 1980

Summer Student Modern Dairies Brandon, Manitoba

My first summer job, which evolved into 5 years of summer and year-round part time work. This job helped lead to my decision to work in the food industry.

1975 – 1980

Summer Student Modern Dairies Brandon, Manitoba

My first summer job, which evolved into 5 years of summer and year-round part time work. This job helped lead to my decision to work in the food industry.

1975 – 1980

Summer Student Modern Dairies Brandon, Manitoba

My first summer job, which evolved into 5 years of summer and year-round part time work. This job helped lead to my decision to work in the food industry.

1975 – 1980

Summer Student Modern Dairies Brandon, Manitoba

My first summer job, which evolved into 5 years of summer and year-round part time work. This job helped lead to my decision to work in the food industry.

1975 – 1980

Summer Student Modern Dairies Brandon, Manitoba

My first summer job, which evolved into 5 years of summer and year-round part time work. This job helped lead to my decision to work in the food industry.

Career Timeline

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